Tuesday, May 5, 2009

And now, a word from M-Dizzle (Mommy)...

Hello everyone! Well I'm just chilling in Cyprus with Mom. We just got back from a little holiday at the beach, and here she is to tell you all about it. Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for Mom...

Oh well, hi, it's me....thought you might all like to know how the trip is going so far! Lauren looks wonderful, and we have been having a great time...laughing most of the time at my expense, but oh well, that's how it goes!

So....our hotel was lovely, surrounded by beautiful flowers everywhere, and the beach was utterly amazing. The sand was sugary,and the water the most gorgeous shades of turquoise I have ever seen. The people are really great--friendly and humble. Apparently, visitors from the States are few and far between, so we get treated pretty well. The first night out to eat, our waiter brought us complimentary shots of what we believe was kahlua. We just smiled and enjoyed!

After a great night's sleep we started an adventure hike! A four mile walk down the beach led to the most fascinating destination -- the white caves of Aiya Napa. I was literally stunned by their loveliness. It kind of reminded me of the caves in Capre, Italy -- the water was just as blue. Having Lauren as my guide proved to be a challenge to my "mother knows best" mentality. She gave me nearly no choice as she announced that we were going to descend the cliffs and then we were going to swim in the caves! I was absolutely scared to death. I defintely felt like I could genuinely hurt myself at any point. But I didn't (or couldn't) allow myself to think too long at any given point in the experience--I just kind of did what she told me to do. (see pictures!)

In any case, once I - quite literally - took the plunge, I was amazed by the sensations...mostly numbness from the cold water and fear that I would never be able to climb out. Everything seemed so dangerous -- not like me! But I'm so glad I did--I felt like a mermaid (probably looked a lot more like Ursula, but oh well). Climbing back up the cliff was the biggest challenge, and quite the humiliating experience since Lauren was laughing hysterically the whole time, snapping pics for all to see. Oh well, that's the good thing about being 50...you don't really care what people think.

(Ok hey it's Lolo again- just wanted to show you this great progression of pics of Mom fumbling up a cliff because obviously everyone will enjoy that. She looks absolutely out of her mind. Crazy hat lady. She got so mad when I laughed at the top of the cliff at her struggling, snapping pics the whole way. It was even funnier in person.)

You're welcome. Love, Lolo. Ok back to Mom...

On our way back, we stopped for lunch and had a traditional Greek sandwich at a little restaurant on the beach (the first food I had all day...it's kind of tough hanging out with someone who's not used to eating on a regular basis!)

One of the other funny things that has happened was Monday night. We had dinner at another Greek restaurant. As has been our custom over the last several evenings, we stopped in the bar for a nightcap and were delighted to find there was a Greek dancing show planned for the evening. Lauren tried desparately not to get noticed, even going so far as pulling the cocktail table in front of her so she wouldn't be tapped. This left me totally vulnerable of course, but alas, the joke was on her as the very handsome Greek gentleman moved the table from her to me in order to pull her into participation! I laughed and laughed as I snapped my own set of humiliating pictures.

Now I'm here at Lauren's apartment. Her roommates are adorable girls, and I guess we're going out for gyros tonight! Fun!