Thursday, February 26, 2009


After our visit to the Northern coast we were all excited about the sea... so we went on another adventure to the southern coast in Larnaca.

We were super excited to finally run around in the Mediterranean sea... it was not a very nice day, sadly, but it was warm and the water was surprisingly balmy!

I could post some pictures per usual, but I believe this video, taken by our friendly neighbor Martin, pretty much says it all and you should really watch it. (I pick up a CRAB by accident while looking for shells... AHHHH!)

You can watch it on youtube at

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well I was very excited to go to Egypt this weekend... then there was a bomb and now I'm not going. And now I am very very very very very very sad and upset. Because some people are going and some are not, and the decision is rather awful. I decided not to go, but it feels awful.

The good news... I booked a trip to Ireland and Paris! So that's great. I'm gonna be more poor than usual but I had to do something to make myself feel better about the Egypt loss.

So now I will continue to recount the awesome things I've been up to...

We went on a tour to the Turkish side of Cyprus... it was absolutely gorgeous. Our first stop was a castle in the mountains, the very ones we see out our window. It was older than most of the castles in England and all those places!

Then we went to a beautiful monastery on the other side of the mountains. We were very excited because we could see the Mediterranean sea for the first time, and the view was gorgeous.

Then we went down to the sea and saw another castle from the days of Richard the Lionheart. It was giant and awesome and cool and it was super fun to walk through it and pretend to be a princess! After that we went and had lunch in the prettiest little harbor you've ever seen.

I actually feel a little bit homesick right now for the first time, but I think that's just cuz I'm torn up over this Egypt thing and could use a hug. But I'm guessing you'd all like me to return un-blowed-up and with all my limbs intact. So we'll do Paris and Leprechaun-Land instead.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sorry it's been so long...

It's been a while... Sorry, just been way too busy having and amazing time. Life is hard. There's lots to tell so I'm gonna do it in stages.

First... 2 weekends ago we ventured to the forbidden Turkish side. It's a sensitive subject here because many Cypriots were forced out of their homes during the invasion and haven't been able to return. They say in this one city, that's now a giant ghost town, there is still food on the tables because they had to leave so quickly.

The Cypriot people don't cross the border much because they are angered at the fact that they have to show their passport to go to their own country. Butttttt we were curious... so we went. First we went across on our own, crammed in the back of Martin's car like Mexicans illegally trying to cross the border. It was a bit scary, but an interesting experience overall. Went to a donerista for some delicious kabobs. It's a bit more rundown on the Turkish side, not as wealthy.

We met this Cypriot woman who is a former co-worker of my roommate's father a few days later, who welcomed us over and gave us pastries which were amazing. She described how she's lived in Cyprus all her life, and how she lost her home when the Turks invaded. It's still over there, unoccupied, but she can't live in it or sell it. She said that she would rather never see her home again then have her passport stamped to go to her own country. Very sweet woman though, offered to take us shopping and to museums and wants to help however she can. Nice to meet someone like that.

Crossing the border... bit sketchy

Watching the tanks roll by... Watch out for the Turks!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February third.

Lied out in the sun on the roof.
: )

Monday, February 2, 2009

Went on a little excursion exploring the residential neighborhoods here... so pretty. Anyone who is concerned that I'm living in a third world country need not be.

It does not rain here often... but when it does there's always rainbows : )