Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well I was very excited to go to Egypt this weekend... then there was a bomb and now I'm not going. And now I am very very very very very very sad and upset. Because some people are going and some are not, and the decision is rather awful. I decided not to go, but it feels awful.

The good news... I booked a trip to Ireland and Paris! So that's great. I'm gonna be more poor than usual but I had to do something to make myself feel better about the Egypt loss.

So now I will continue to recount the awesome things I've been up to...

We went on a tour to the Turkish side of Cyprus... it was absolutely gorgeous. Our first stop was a castle in the mountains, the very ones we see out our window. It was older than most of the castles in England and all those places!

Then we went to a beautiful monastery on the other side of the mountains. We were very excited because we could see the Mediterranean sea for the first time, and the view was gorgeous.

Then we went down to the sea and saw another castle from the days of Richard the Lionheart. It was giant and awesome and cool and it was super fun to walk through it and pretend to be a princess! After that we went and had lunch in the prettiest little harbor you've ever seen.

I actually feel a little bit homesick right now for the first time, but I think that's just cuz I'm torn up over this Egypt thing and could use a hug. But I'm guessing you'd all like me to return un-blowed-up and with all my limbs intact. So we'll do Paris and Leprechaun-Land instead.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh honey, I DO feel bad, but you are absolutely right to do the "right thing". It is a very mature decision! Besides, I've heard Ireland is one of the coolest and most beautiful places on earth, and that the people there are incredibly friendly! I'm so excited to come and see your home away from home!

    Love you, Mom
