Monday, February 2, 2009

Went on a little excursion exploring the residential neighborhoods here... so pretty. Anyone who is concerned that I'm living in a third world country need not be.

It does not rain here often... but when it does there's always rainbows : )


  1. I can hardly wait to see it for myself! Who are the people in the picture with you?

    We missed you at the party....but it was a lovely day! Sunny and snowy and not too, Andy, and Chuck built a fire, and people played outside. Mick, Kelsey, Ryann and I hung out in the hot tub!

  2. The girl on my left is my roommate Dezi, and the guy on the right is Dana. Yup, Dana the dude.

    Glad you had a good time at my party...Dad would build a fire, wouldn't he? Have you skated at all this year?

  3. I am worried about you living in a third world country.
