Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just finished my first week of class. Everything seems like it's gonna be alright. I'm taking Greek Art, a video production course, a communications class on gender and media, and a PR course.

So far, my favorite class is the PR class... Mainly because my professor is energetic and easy to understand. His name is Nicholas Nicoli, but I will be referring to him as John Stamos.

Here is my PR Professor, John Stamos.

I also made a new friend in that class, a little French girl named Maud, from Paris. We're going to downtown Nicosia with some Finnish girls that she met on Saturday. Yay!

In 2 of my classes, I am the only American. Everyone is nice though, so it's alright. When I have to speak, which is often, I find myself speaking in a different accent- I hate it! I also can't seem to help it, I can't remember how I normally talk when I get in a room with a bunch of people who are speaking differently.

But don't worry, it goes back to normal once I get back around other Americans. I hope.

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