Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Team America!

Last night I was invited to watch the Presidential Inauguration with some young Nigerian students that are studying at my school. It was so cool to see their reactions. I asked them what they thought about it- they explained that at first, they didn't think that Obama, as a black man, had a chance. Then when he beat out Clinton they thought, well maybe... and now that he is President, they say that it makes them feel like anything is possible for them too. They were so enthusiastic and happy. Whether or not he will be a good President, I'm not sure. Still, it was really inspiring to see it happen through their perspective.

They also told me about what it is like back in Nigeria. They said that though the country is rich in natural resources, none of the wealth goes to the people. But they said the people are happy... they said that those who do have money live more in fear than the rest, and have to build high walls around their houses for protection. They explained how good it feels here in Cyprus to walk the streets freely.

Between monday, hanging out with a large group of international students, and yesterday with the Nigerians, I feel like I have learned more about the world than I ever have in school.

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