Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hello everyone!!! Welcome to my little blog : )

So I made it to Cyprus... eventually. My first flight was canceled, so I was re-routed and my luggage got lost. Sat by fat stinky people on my first flight, Russel from Arkansas on the second, and a young Brit on the third.

Walking off the plane in Cyprus felt great... It was a balmy 70 degrees and sunny. Drove on a bus with my new friends that are also on the program (about 60 of us) from Larnaca to Nicosia where I live (pronounced Nee-coh-see-yah). The drive was lovely... palm trees and mountains and those skinny pine trees you see in Hercules!

My apartment is small but nice... my roomies are great and we became friends right away. We have a really nice view... we can see the mountains on the Turkish side of Cyprus from our balcony.

So in case you didn't know, there is a border between northern and southern Cyprus that runs through the capital city of Nicosia. The northern portion calls itself the Turkish Republic of Cyprus... but Cyprus doesn't recognize that it's a seperate country. So they fight in really immature, albiet very non-violent ways. For example, the Turkish Cypriots carved out a huge Turkish flag on the mountains (that we can see) that face the Greek side, and light it up at night... just to annoy everyone.

So far I've become friends with many Americans. Our next door neighbors are local kids that go to the same school, and we have become friends with them too. Their names are Martin and Anwar...they are as cute as they are helpfull (which is very). But don't worry Matt- I am happy to let the other 50 American girls fight over them. they have thick accents so it's hilarious to hear them speak... We teach them American phrases, most recently "That's what she said!" so now Marty is always saying "She saiid thattttt!" He's almost got it.

We have also met and befriended a lot of international students from places like Spain, England, the Czech Republic, Jordan, etc. Everyone is so nice and very eager to be our friends. I have noticed ZERO animosity towards Americans.

The neighborhood I live in is very safe, and I'm having lots of fun and learning a lot. I got lots more to say but I will save it for later, cuz this is turning into a novel.

I love you all and miss you lots!


  1. Wow Lauren, It looks like you are doing well, I am happy that you got there safe and sound.
    We miss you and think about you all the time.
    Enjoy you time out there.

  2. Yay! Blogs are fun! Sounds like Cyprus is too! Miss you lo! Love love love!

  3. haha katy... I'm spreading "thats what she said" around the world... thought you would appreciate that :)

  4. Tried to get back to you this am, but my computer froze up! Have had blankets and a space heater on it all day and it seems to be ok now.
    Great to hear everything went well on the flight.

    When did you retrive your luggage?

    Sent your e-mail reply to "the family"; so between your Blog and your reply, everyone should be posted that your safe and sound (?)in Cyprus.

    Keep us all posted! I'm getten into Blogging!!!


  5. I watched the innaguration all afternoon (G/M went shopping - first things first!)and found it extremely interesting.

    Me thinks the happiest man alive yesterday was....................George W. Bush!
    After eight years of that job, he sure looked worn out.

    Sent your Blog sign-in info to Aunt Ellen and Aunt Lynda, the're both interested in following your adventure.

    Keep "Blogging"

    Luv Ya,

    G/P & G/M

  6. OOOHHHHH!!! So cool! Thanks for doing this--hope you stay motivated to keep it up....we're loving it! Do Andy and Chuck have your invitation? It's beautiful here today...albeit cold. We love you and look forward to your next post! Love you, Mommy
