Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Troodos and First Day of School!

Took a trip to the Troodos Mountains! Stopped at three of the little towns ... all adorable and beautiful. There were little lace shops everywhere- a Cypriot specialty. It was rainy at first so we had to wear some babushkas : )

There was also this cool church that was very pretty and had intimidating chanting coming from it. The inside was gorgeous, but no pictures allowed :(

There's also lots of blue doors. I dunno why.

Also had my first day of school. Was kinda scary and intimidating to be "the foreign kid." My professor told me she didn't recognize my "foreign name" on her list. Smith is foreign?

Then even though my English was the best out of everyone's, no one could understand my accent (accent??) so it felt like I was the one that was having a hard time speaking.

And- everyone dresses up! All the girls were in heels and full makeup. So I felt like a bit of a schmuck. But everyone was really nice and smiley and curious so it was alright in the end : )


  1. It was a bit cold when it was raining in the morning... felt like Michigan in early April. Then after that we were in coats but were completely comfortable walking around all day, without gloves or anything, so I don't really know how warm it was.

    Also I bought this really pretty plate, and then I dropped it. :( They don't really ship things from stores here... not as classy as Italy haha, it's kinda old school here.

  2. Yea, but you are always cold... so its probably actually hot there...
